Program teaches financial literacy

Published 7:03 pm Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Citing a need to help area students in financial matters, First National Bank of Brundidge initiated its Financial Scholars Program in six schools at the beginning of the 2012-2013 school year.
John Ramage, FNB president and CEO, said the program was developed by EverFi Financial Education, which is one of many Fortune 500 companies using foundations to bring educational technology, free of charge, to schools.
“This web-based program uses the latest in media technology to bring complex financial concepts to life for today’s digital generation,” Ramage said. “Through this platform, students will become certified in hundreds of topics in personal finance, allowing them to become more informed, responsible citizens.”
The first year of the program, 537 students in the six schools enrolled in the program and 386 of those earned their Financial Literacy Certification. The 2013-2014 school year saw the number of participating schools increase to eight with 718 students enrolled and 506 earned certification.
“One of the greatest contributions we believed FNB could make was to assist area students with fiscal awareness,” Ramage said. “These results testify to the fact that we are getting interested students certified and this allows them to prepare for their financial futures now.”
The skills taught in the program are important lessons to learn, Ramage said.
“As we face the worst economic crisis in generations, it is more important than ever to arm young people with the skills to navigate an increasingly complex financial system,” he said. “FNB is excited to offer students an innovative educational experience that uses the tools they love – digital learning and gaming – to teach this important topic.”
Ramage said it is no longer sufficient to simply explain a checking account to high school upperclassmen. “This is a generation that is responsive to technologies and new approaches to education,” he said. “FNB is proud to sponsor the EverFi program to get these young students off on the right foot.” The eight schools participating in FNB’s EverFi Financial Education program are Pike County, Goshen, Ariton, Zion Chapel, Charles Henderson and Pike Liberal Arts high schools, Banks School and Pike County Elementary.