Brundidge council seeks grants to fund sewer projects

Published 10:06 pm Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The Brundidge City Council gave its nod to two grant applications that, if approved, will improve the sewer systems for existing and future industrial endeavors and the sewer flow in the private sector on the north side of town.

Britt Thomas, city manager, said the city will apply for an economic development Community Development Block Grant that will alleviate existing sewer problems and provide for future industrial growth on the north side of time. The grant will allow for expansion in the private sector that will create an additional 49 jobs.

The economic development grant would be in the amount of $208,126 and would require a 20 percent match, making the city’s commitment $34,685.

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The second CDBG grant also would be for sewer improvements and would include improvements to three and possibly all four of the City’s pumping stations. The grant would top out at $350,000 with a 10 percent match. The entire sewer improvement project would be around $1.5 million.

Thomas said the bond market is right and the two projects would greatly improve the city’s sewage system and provide for future industrial growth.

The city will hold a public hearing on the proposed projects at its June 17 meeting.

Thomas gave the council a measure of good news in that the city’s sales tax increased 7.12 percent over last year from October to April.

“That’s not a lot but it’s a little positive,” he said.

The council awarded the city’s household garbage collection to the low bidder, Mark Dunning Industries, for three years beginning July 1, 2014.