Published 12:27 am Saturday, May 31, 2014

Goshen graduates clutch hands as they sing their alma mater. MESSENGER PHOTO | MONA MOORE

Goshen graduates clutch hands as they sing their alma mater.

Forty-nine Goshen Eagles donned cap and gown and prepared to soar Friday night.
The graduation was Goshen High School’s first in the new gymnasium. There wasn’t an available seat to be seen, with the exception of one draped in purple fabric amongst the graduates. Goshen honored classmates who passed away during their high school years with the empty seat and a page dedicated to three students in the program.
To start the commencement exercise, Jarrell Williams, class vice president, welcomed guests with a short speech that included a poem.
“We have anticipated this moment for many years,” said Williams.
Before presenting diplomas, Principal Warren Weeks asked the graduating class to stand up and pledge to him to treat their diplomas as “a sacred trust” and an emblem of their obligations to serve the community.
In their speeches, salutatorian Wade Messick and valedictorian Lynze Price opted for humor rather than formality and the audience responded with cheers and laughter.
Messick said he and his classmates had been through a lot together.
“I’d like to think every one of us will go on to be successful,” he said.
Messick thanked the staff of Goshen High School.
“I wouldn’t be here without you,” he said.
He offered three bits of advice from “smart” and “important” sources like Jimmy Fallon and Yogi Berra. Messick told classmates to be themselves, set goals and not to let anyone hold them back.
Price, who was also the class president, said she was pleased to finally be graduating.
“I don’t know about you, but it seems like each week and day this year went by even slower,” she said.
Senior year was tougher than she expected, but it taught her to persevere and she recommended classmates do the same. Price defined perseverance as having the determination to try again and again, even if facing failure.
When it comes to succeeding in life, Price said perseverance was far more important than wisdom.
“What good is being the smartest person on the planet if you’re not going to make anything of yourself?” she said.
She asked classmates to look at all of their friends and family there to share this milestone.
“They’re the ones that pushed us all of these years,” Price said. “Now, our job is to be responsible for ourselves. So, fasten your seatbelts and brace yourselves because it’s going to be a bumpy ride.”