Jailer charged with trafficking drugs (PHOTOS)

Published 10:46 pm Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Photo/Andy BROWN Pike County Sheriff Russell Thomas and Butler County Sheriff Kenny Harden held a press conference early Tuesday to release details of the arrest of a PIke County man on charges of trafficking drugs into a correctional facility.

Photo/Andy Brown
Pike County Sheriff Russell Thomas and Butler County Sheriff Kenny Harden held a press conference early Tuesday to release details of the arrest of a PIke County man on charges of trafficking drugs into a correctional facility.

A Troy man was snared in an investigation focused on trafficking drugs in a correctional facility, authorities announced Tuesday.
Alabama Department of Corrections Officer David Brooks, 37, was arrested in Butler County Sunday and charged with conspiracy to traffic methamphetamine. He was being held in the Butler County Correctional Facility on a $50,000 bond.
Authorities would not release details about which correctional facility was involved, citing an ongoing investigation, but did confirm that Brooks worked at the facility involved.
Pike County Sheriff Russell Thomas said charging someone in law enforcement with a drug crime was a disappointment.
“I hate to see people resort to that kind of activity,” he said.  “The badge stands for honor and it’s just disgraceful when you dishonor your badge that way.”
Thomas said Brooks would face additional charges of possession of a controlled substance in Pike County because the drugs Brooks smuggled into the corrections facility were delivered to his Park Street home.
Officials said Brooks acted as a courier in a drug operation.
“The inmates inside the prison would make a call out, put their order in and it would be delivered to Brooks with a payment,” said Thomas. “This particular drop was for $700.”
The drop included methamphetamines, spice, prescription pills and Suboxone strips that Thomas said would dissolve on the tongue. The haul had a street value of $55,000.
“This was a very substantial hit,” said Thomas. “I want to commend Sheriff Harden for the work his department did.”
Thomas said that while Brooks lived in Troy, the Pike County Sheriff’s Office had not had any history with him.
“He’s not someone that was known to us. He wasn’t a street dealer,” Thomas said.
Butler County Sheriff Kenny Harden said the investigation started with a tip.
“We received information about a suspect that was coming to Butler County to pick up methamphetamine,” he said. “With the help of the Pike County Sheriff’s Office we were able to obtain a warrant to search the suspect’s residence and we found large amounts of illegal drugs.”
Harden declined to comment on which prison Brooks worked at for the Department of Corrections, but said he had worked for the department for 15 years.
“The investigation is ongoing, so we aren’t releasing (which prison he worked at) right now,” Harden said.
The investigation was a joint operation between the Pike County Sheriff’s Office, the Butler County Sheriff’s Office, the Greenville Police Department, the Butler County District Attorney’s Office, the Alabama Department of Corrections Security Threat Group and the Second Judicial Drug Task Force.

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