Grant benefits Brundidge fire department

Published 8:17 pm Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Rep. Alan Boothe and Sen. Jimmy Holley presented a Forestry Service Grant to the VFD. Pictured, from left, Brundidge Mayor Jimmy Ramage, Holley, Brundidge Fire Chief Glenn Adkins, Jeremiah Rodgers of the Pike County Forestry Service and Boothe.

Rep. Alan Boothe and Sen. Jimmy Holley presented a Forestry Service Grant to the VFD. Pictured, from left, Brundidge Mayor Jimmy Ramage, Holley, Brundidge Fire Chief Glenn Adkins, Jeremiah Rodgers of the Pike County Forestry Service and Boothe.

Members of the state Legislature were on hand at the dinner meeting of the Brundidge Volunteer Fire Department Tuesday night to present a Forestry Service Grant to the City of Brundige’s volunteer fire department.
Sen. Jimmy Holley joined Rep. Alan Boothe in presenting the check in the amount of $1,164.79 to the Brundidge firefighters.
Brundidge Fire Chief Glenn Adkins expressed appreciation for the grant funds for which, he said, the volunteer fire department has several immediate needs.
“This is a once a year grant awarded by the state to all volunteer fire departments,” Adkins said. “As volunteer units we are always appreciative of the support from the state through these Forestry Service grants. And we are honored to have Rep. Boothe and Sen. Holley take time to present the grant funds to us.”
The Forestry Service Grant awards will be made to nine volunteer fire departments in Pike County — Brundidge, Banks, Goshen, Hamilton Crossroads, Henderson, Meeksville, Pike Fire and Rescue, Saco and Springhill.
Boothe said he is proud funds are available to assist volunteer fire departments and praised the firefighters for their dedication and commitment to their communities.
Adkins said the funds that the Brundidge Volunteer Fire Department received in this round of grant funding will be used to purchase equipment.
“We always have a need for equipment,” Adkins said. “As a volunteer fire department, we depend on the money we receive from the tobacco tax and, from grants, donations and fundraisers to keep us up and running.”
Adkins said the Brundidge Volunteer Fire Department recently received an Assistance to Firefighters FEMA grant in the amount of $246,000 for the purchase of a dual pumper truck. The local match for that grant was 5 percent.
The volunteer firefighters sponsor several annual fundraisers including barbecues, turkey shoots, pancake suppers and raffles.
The Brundidge Volunteer Fire Department has 11 members. Adkins said that is a stable number for his department.