County approves use of inmates for litter

Published 8:57 pm Tuesday, April 29, 2014

County Commissioners voted to use work release inmates to pick up litter. Above, residents say the litter along County Road 3304 is a  never-ending problem. File Photo | Mona Moore

County Commissioners voted to use work release inmates to pick up litter. Above, residents say the litter along County Road 3304 is a never-ending problem.
File Photo | Mona Moore

Pike County roads may soon be litter free. At Tuesday’s meeting, the County Commission approved the start of a litter program that will employ work release inmates to pick up trash and control vegetation.
Commissioners Jimmy Barron, Charlie Harris and Joey Jackson formed a litter committee and looked into the steps needed to start the program.
“We’re going to send three people with the road department for orientation with the Department of Corrections,” said Barron.
Jackson said training the people who would transport the inmates was the only requirement of the program.
“The Alabama DOT does it. The City of Troy does it,” Jackson said of the work release program. “We aren’t reinventing the wheel.”
County Engineer Russell Oliver gave the commission an update on County Road 3319. The road was closed two weeks ago after a pipe had collapsed under the road.
Oliver said an emergency grant may cover the cost of repairs. Once approved for the grant, the county would have 10 days to complete the work. That would put all non-emergency projects on hold.
Commissioner Ray Goodson said it was vital that the road be repaired as soon as possible.
“We have three churches and that’s the main drag for all of them,” he said of his district.
County Road 1101 has a similar problem. A pipe under one of the lanes has caved, causing a four-inch hole four feet wide and six feet long. The hole was filled before the storms, but the first wave of rain caused a three-foot deep sinkhole. Jackson said it was patched again Tuesday.
In other news, commissioners approved an Emergency Management Personnel grant that pays a portion of EM Director Jeanna Barnes’ salary and is based on her maintaining certification.
County Attorney Allen Jones said the commission would not have to pass a resolution approving draft beer service in unincorporated areas. Any business wanting draft beer service would obtain a license through the Alabama Alcohol Beverage Control Board.
Commissioners ended the night by going into executive session regarding pending litigation.
The next scheduled meeting is May 12.

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