Time is running out to pay delinquent property taxes

Published 9:20 pm Thursday, March 27, 2014

There may still be time to make delinquent property taxes, but it’ll cost you.
The Pike County Revenue Commissioner’s Office is narrowing down its list of unpaid taxes in preparation for its annual tax sale.
“We sent out certified mail and are in the process now of getting in all delinquent taxes,” said Pike County Revenue Commissioner Curtis Blair.
Taxes were due by Dec. 31. After that, they incur a $5 delinquent fee and 12 percent interest each month.
The number of delinquent taxes this year is about the same as last year.
“It’s always like this,” Blair said. “But, they can still make good on it.”
The commission will start advertising delinquent payments in May. The ads run for three consecutive Tuesdays. Blair said property owners have until May 1 to make payments and avoid having the property advertised for sale.
Property taxes are used to benefit a number of institutions in the county. “We collect for eight different agencies,” Blair said. “We collect for the cities of Troy, Brundidge and Goshen, the Pike County General Fund, the Pike County Road and Bridge Fund, both school systems in the county, and the State of Alabama General Fund. The taxes really help to keep everything in the county up and running.”
Properties with unpaid taxes will be auctioned off at the annual tax sale will be held June 6 in the lobby of the Pike County Courthouse at 11 a.m.
Residents who need to pay property taxes can pay online at www.pikerevenue.com, pay in person at the courthouse or send in a check by mail.
For questions or more information, call the Revenue Commissioner’s office at 566-1792.