Troy is an ‘excellent’ place to live

Published 7:07 pm Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Troy, Alabama is an excellent place to live. There are many good things that Troy has to offer such as a university that brings in people from across state, nation and around the world; small locally owned businesses and national chains that bring in money to support the economy; and a state of the art recreation center which all citizens can utilize for health or leisure. Although these things are great points of pride for Troy, there are a lot of improvements to be made. Troy has a lot of roads which are damaged, to the point in which cars are damaged. Although the city is fortunate to have some chain stores, the opportunity to bring in competition from other retailers besides Walmart would be a welcome addition. The citizens of Troy would welcome the variety and revel in the ability to not have to drive out of town for true choices. Troy’s locally-owned stores need to also stay open later, allowing for a chance to grow the economy. By stores staying open later and having an increase in police visibility and presence, this will attract more people into the area. I feel that I would be perfect as Mayor for the day because I not only have great people skills and can negotiate, I have a love for the City of Troy. What I may lack in experience, I have in a desire to see the community in which I live succeed. The only failure that will occur is when we settle for the norm instead of reaching for the best.

The reason why these ideas are some great ideas of improvement is the boost that they will provide for the economy and the sense of pride it will further instill in the residents. The roads in Troy could be fixed and there would be less cars having to be fixed in City of Troy. If the roads aren’t fixed then that will start to affect how people will think about Troy, and they will probably think poorly about Troy. Walmart in Troy Alabama is okay, but I worry about if the food variety is poor. Sometimes the meat and vegetables are not fresh; they price items however they want because of supply and demand and lack of true competition; and simply you sometimes can’t find what you need. I suggest that Troy needs a Publix so that Walmart can have some competition, or at least get the shelves stocked. Yes, Troy has a lot of lovely shops in town but they usually don’t get noticed. We possess a gem in these stores, however, because they sometimes close early before any high school or middle school students can get there, many do not get to see what all they have to offer. When the stores close people have to sometimes travel to Montgomery or Dothan to get what they need, when they could just shop in Troy. But you see, the stores are closing too early. I suggest that the stores stay open later so that people can see what they offer, and then they will buy locally, and in turn Troy’s economy gets better.

Whoever’s reading this think about Troy and how its economy could be changed if we shopped more in Troy? Think about if Troy got a more chains Walmart would get their act together, more variety would ensue and the food would be fresher and the shelves would be stocked more. If the stores stayed open later, Troy could be a viable retail location. If the roads were fixed people might visit, spend more money in Troy, or might decide to stay because of the parks and the places that Troy has to offer. Whoever’s reading this please take action and try investing in our city to bring more variety, boost economy and make this City a place where visitors see what we love.

Camille Cameron

Charles Henderson Middle School

Editor’s Note: This is Camille’s winning entry in the Mayor for a Day Essay Contest.