Oh deer: 3 collisions with cars in 1 day

Published 8:31 pm Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Pike County roads have not been safe ones for motorists or deer this week.
In a 24-hour period from Monday to Tuesday, three motor vehicle collisions were reported in Pike County. All of them were with deer.
Monday’s collisions were on Elba Highway near the Southeast Alabama Rural Health Association and on U.S. Highway 231 in front of Xtreme Fitness. Two people were injured in the Elba Highway wreck.
Minor injuries were reported at the Tuesday morning collision on Highway 29 near County Road 6630.
All of the wrecks happened between 8 and 9 a.m. However, Alabama State Trooper Kevin Cook said the collisions are rarely so predictable.
“It can happen different times during the day and the evening,” he said.
Dawn and dusk are the most common times to spot deer near roadways, according to a newsletter distributed by Geico Insurance. Since they travel in packs, slow down when one is spotted.
There are sure to be more nearby and the slower you drive, the more time you will have to react.
“Just be very alert when driving,” Cook said. “And when a deer is in your pathway, don’t swerve to miss it, hit it. You can cause more damage by swerving.”
At night, use high beams and look for the shine of eyes along the roadside. If on a multi-lane road, use the center lane to give deer additional space.
To avoid severe injury, always wear a seatbelt.