Brundidge residents play it safe
Published 2:37 pm Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Brundidge Mayor Jimmy Ramage isn’t exactly sure whether the city’s residents were safety conscious or just too cold to venture outdoors Wednesday.
“You can’t make a snowman out of this stuff. We’ve tried,” Ramage said, laughing. “And, too, it’s extremely cold. Not many times have I seen it 16 degrees in Brundidge. People are staying inside and that’s good. It’s icy and it’s slippery and that makes for hazardous walking and driving conditions.
“We have a lot of up and down areas in all sections of town. And, it appears that our residents are aware that their vehicles might make it down the hill but probably won’t make it back up.”
Ramage said Brundidge has weathered the snow event with few problems – so far.
“We’ve had no outages and no problems in our water department but we’re not out of the woods yet,” he said. “The snow and ice are melting and it’s going to freeze again tonight so anytime your power lines freeze they could snap. And tree limbs could break and fall on power lines. The City keeps limbs trimmed back to keep that from happening. But, we just don’t know what the night and early morning hours will bring.”
Ramage said that Brundidge City Hall will not open until noon Thursday, if then.
“We’re just going to have to wait and see,” he said. “Because the ice and snow that melted Wednesday will refreeze and be ice tomorrow, driving conditions could be even more treacherous.
“That’s what worries me. It’s not going to be safe to be on the roadways anywhere until after the sun comes up and the ice melts. When that will be, depends on how much snow and ice melts during the day Wednesday.”
The City of Brundidge will keep citizens informed as to the opening of City Hall and the driving conditions of city streets through the local news media and via its website.