Congressional visits a good thing for Pike County

Published 11:00 pm Thursday, January 23, 2014

During this past week, two national level politicians will have visited Pike County.

U.S. Rep. Martha Roby, who represents Pike County in the House of Representatives, visited Pike County on Tuesday. She made stops at Pike County High School, the Walmart Distribution Center in Brundidge and the Banks Buy Rite.

U.S. Sen. Richard Shelby will be in Pike County this afternoon at the Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation.

We applaud both members of Congress for taking the time out of their busy schedules to receive feedback from their constituents.

Both representatives said the focus of their trips would be to connect with the people they serve in Pike County. We view this as a noble goal. After all, the purpose of elected officials in a republic like the United States is to serve the interests of the people who elected them.

Pike County is one of 67 stops for Sen. Shelby on his tour of every county in the state. It speaks to the dedication that Sen. Shelby has for the people he serves that he takes the time to visit every county in the state he represents even after serving for nearly 30 years in the Senate.

We applaud Rep. Roby for taking the time to stop by Pike County on her trip through her Congressional district. Rep. Roby could have easily chosen to speak at events in more densely populated areas, like Troy (pop 18,264). , but, instead, she chose to spend time in tiny Banks (pop. 180). We believe this shows that Rep. Roby is concerned with hearing every citizen’s views.

That both politicians took time to visit Pike County shows that our county has the potential to influence national legislation. But, our politicians won’t know your views unless you express them. So, when opportunities like this past week arrive, get out and let your voice be heard.