Pike County BOE members recognized with reception

Published 11:00 pm Monday, January 13, 2014

The Pike County Superintendent of Education’s office hosted a reception for the Pike County Board of Education board members prior to the board’s regular meeting Monday.

January is School Board Member Recognition Month and Pike County Superintendent of Education Dr. Mark Bazzell expressed appreciation to board members, Greg Price, Chris Wilkes, Wyman Botts, Linda Steed, Clint Foster and Earnest Green, for their dedication and commitment to the Pike County School System.

“There is no doubt in my mind that we have the best board of education anywhere,” Bazzell said. “I can honestly say that this is a great board. We all work together well and I appreciate the trust they place in me and allow me to do my job.”

Bazzell said the progress that the Pike County School System has made in the past 10 years is a tribute to the service of the board of education.

“This is a great situation that we have here and I commend the board members on the job they do,” he said.

Following the reception, the board convened for its Jan. 13, 2014 meeting and approved a resolution for School Board Member Recognition Month.

Working from a short agenda, the Board gave its permission for the Science Bowl teams at Goshen and Pike County high schools to participate in the Regional High School Science Bowl competition in Mobile Jan. 31 – Feb.1.

Bazzell said the schools had requested assistance with the transportation, which was granted because the students will be attending a competitive event. Bazzell said the schools also asked for and receive financial assistance.

“The schools were each granted $500 in matching fund,” Bazzell said.

The board also gave its approval for the Pike County Elementary second and third graders to take an out-of-state trip to Gulf World Marine Park in Panama City on March 21.

A request to provide a bus and driver to transport selected juniors from PCHS and GHS to the Junior Ambassador Day events on Feb. 6 was also approved.

Sharon Sullivan at Pike County High School requested permission to attend the 6th Annual ADHD Conference in Mobile, Jan.24-25. The requested as approved.

The board also approved the proposal to upgrade computer labs at all schools.

In personnel action, the board approved the resignation of Ronald Floyd, Jr. as bus driver and the hiring of Marion “Beth” Vance for a full time bus driver position.

The board approved permission to advertise and hire a part time aide for the self-contained special education classroom at Pike County High School. The position would be for 19 hours per week with no benefits.

The catastrophic leave request of Ann Renee Bentley, Banks Middle School, was approved with conditions.

The board approved the superintendent’s recommendation to terminate a classified probationary employee.