Drinkard resigns TPCAC post

Published 11:00 pm Friday, December 27, 2013

Morgan Drinkard has resigned as the fulltime executive director of the Troy-Pike Cultural Arts Center (TPCAC). The personnel committee of the TPCAC board of directors is actively searching and interviewing candidates for the position.

Drinkard will assist the TPCAC and the Johnson Center for the Arts until a new director is appointed.

She represented the TPCAC and Johnson Center as a member of the Pike County Chamber of Commerce’s Downtown Committee, the Pike County Cultural Arts Committee and as a member of the Troy Rotary Club. She will continue to serve on those committees until a new director is appointed.

“Morgan has definitely served our Center well and we are thankful for her service,” said Mack Gibson, chairman of the TPCAC board of directors. “We appreciate how active she has been in positioning our organization as a forefront in the community and we look forward to her continued advocacy and support.”

Drinkard said that, while she may be leaving the TPCAC in one capacity, she looks forward to continuing to be a part of the Johnson Center and the cultural arts in Pike County.

“I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at the TPCAC and know that we have an incredible asset in our community with the Johnson Center for the Arts,” Drinkard said.

Drinkard began her tenure with the TPCAC as the media and program coordinator in 2011. She was appointed interim executive director in January 2012 and executive director in May 2012.

Drinkard will be a lecturer in the Hall School of Journalism at Troy University.