Brundidge council receives updates on construction projects

Published 11:00 pm Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The Brundidge City Council met in short session Tuesday afternoon and then “adjourned” to executive session to discuss pending litigation.

Britt Thomas, Brundidge city manager, brought the Council up to date on several construction projects underway in the city.

Thomas said the Fresenius Dialysis Center located on the corner of U.S. Highway 231 and Sara Lott Blvd. is nearing completion.

Upon completion, Thomas said it will be a month before clients will be accepted.

The filtration system will have to run for a month so that it may be thoroughly checked out, Thomas said, adding that the Center will be a large consumer of city water.

Fresenius, which is one of the largest dialysis centers in the country, will make it possible for Brundidge and nearby residents to receive dialysis treatment close to home.

Thomas said land on S.A. Graham Blvd. has been cleared for the construction of a Family Dollar Store in Brundidge.

The debris that was removed from the site – trees, limbs and brush – was hauled to city property on Airport Road.

“The City owns 75 acres that has gullies,” Thomas said. “The Family Dollar property had to leveled. In exchange for dumping the debris in the gullies, the contractor agreed to give the dirt that was cut away to the city.”

Thomas said the dirt was not topsoil but rather red clay.

“It amounted to about 2,000 yards of dirt and the city always needs dirt,” Thomas said. “When we have to repair water leaks, red clay is what we need because it’s red clay that has washed away.”

Thomas said the 2013 city audit will be more costly to the city because of an extra step in the process.

“When a city receives more than $500,000 in federal funds, the audit is more carefully scrutinized and takes more time and costs more money,” he said. “But I would pay more for the audit every year if it meant getting a half million dollars to provide more and better services for our citizens.”

Thomas discussed the Affordable Care Act and what impact it could have on the City as far as providing insurance for part time workers who work 30 hours or more.

The Council went into executive session to discuss pending litigation. No action was taken.