County BOE moves projects forward

Published 11:00 pm Monday, December 16, 2013

After a rather lengthy delay, the bleachers for the new gymnasium at Goshen High School should be in place around Jan. 22, 2014.

Dr. Mark Bazzell, superintendent of Pike County Schools, told board members Monday that correspondence revealed that the company contracted to build the bleachers was given the go-head in April and a purchase order was issued in June. However, that did not happen and, in November, the bleachers still had not been ordered.

“On July 15, we were told that the bleachers would be ordered immediately,” Bazzell said. “August, September, October and November, the bleachers had not been ordered. December? We didn’t know. But we had a straightforward talk with those folks and the bleachers will be shipped on Jan. 17.”

Bazzell said provisions have been made for the gym to be used for the Christmas basketball tournament.

“We just felt like the team should get to play in the gym,” Bazzell said.

The fencing for the softball field at GHS is up and everything will soon ready to go on the softball field project, Bazzell said.

The athletic facility project at Pike County High School is going well, Bazzell said.

“The upgrades to the stadium will include spot sandblasting and painting of the steel beams and some painting could be done to the bleachers.

Bazzell reported that the sales tax for October was up 11 percent. Football games at Troy University could have a contributing factor.

Wyman Botts, board member, attended the “Christmas in Dixie” concert at PCHS Friday night.

“For the first performance, it was great,” Botts said. “It made me proud that we have a facility like that for our students.”

Bazzell said that a performing arts academy is something that he would like to see for the Pike County Schools.

“The fine arts building is a natural place for a fine arts academy,” he said.

The board approved permission for the Pike County Schools to enter into a contractual agreement with Burke Education/Burke Enterprises, LLC for the purpose of developing a Five Year Strategic Plan for Pike County Schools.

Bazzell said the strategic plan would be beneficial as the Pike County Schools move toward system-wide accreditation.

The board approved the request for the Jr. Beta Club at GES to travel to New York City during Spring Break 2015. The trip will be funded by those participating.

In personnel action, the board:

• Approved permission to transfer Bernell Ford for Child Nutrition Program (CNP) worker at PCES to CNP worker at PCHS.

• Approved the hiring of Kayla James for special education teacher at GES.

• Approved the hiring of Teresa Richardson for the physical education aide at GES.

• Approved the voluntary reduction of hours for Henrietta Thomas, GES.

• Approved the hiring of Tomeca Barnes as CNP floater based at PCES, beginning Jan.2, 2014.

• Approved catastrophic leave for Jean Grant, PCES, and Dana McDaniel, bus driver.

• Approved provisions for the GHS coaching supplements.