City council approves purchase of new equipment

Published 11:00 pm Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Troy City Council heard a proposal from Troy Parks and Recreation Center Director Dan Smith concerning purchasing exercise equipment for the new wellness center at the Troy Recreation Center.

The department received two bids from companies hoping to supply the equipment. Smith said a lot of planning went in to the process. “We opened up for bids on Thursday, but we had done a lot research prior to sending the bids out,” Smith said. “We wanted to make the wellness center a reality. We went out to parks and recreation departments around the state and tried to learn from what they had done. We identified the equipment that we wanted and received two quotes from industry leaders.”

The city received a bid in the amount of just over $241,000 from Cybex and a bid in the amount of just over $193,000 from Life Fitness. “We received the two bids, and, although the Life Fitness bid is lower, it is my recommendation that we take the Cybex bid,” Smith said. “The equipment that Life Fitness placed in to their bid did not meet the specifications that we requested.  Cybex has also provided an extra year of warranty in their bid.”

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The council voted unanimously to accept the bid from Cybex.

The council also conducted six other items of business.

• The council awarded a bid to Blankenship Construction for the amount of $10,000 to bore under Highway 87 near Spring Hill so that a water pipe can be encased for safety purposes.

• The council awarded a bid to Town & Country Flooring Center for the amount of $27,500 to install the flooring in the Troy Recreation Center’s new wellness center.

• The council approved an amendment to the city’s budget to appropriate the necessary funds for the fitness equipment expenditure.

• The council approved the authority of the city to remove dilapidated housing at 304 and 307 Mulberry St. and 311 Montgomery St. with the cost being assessed to the property owners.

• The council acknowledged the authority of the mayor to request additional funding from the State Revolving Loan Fund to improve Troy’s sewer system.

• The council performed a first public reading to amend Zoning Ordinance 339 to clarify regulation on home businesses. A public hearing on the matter will be held Jan. 14

The council will not hold its second meeting in December. The council will next meet on Jan. 14.