Dem White Boyz could be coming to the small screen soon

Published 11:30 pm Monday, December 2, 2013

Dem White Boyz are going away – up, up and away.

Baylor Barnes, John Stephen Grice and Cole Labrant “twerked” onto the scene in mid-summer and their fame has skyrocketed. Their followers – three million of them and counting – just can’t seem to get enough of their twerking and comedic antics.

Dem White Boyz videos are atop the Vine, their tank tops are selling like hot cakes and they have signed a one-year contract with a Los Angeles-based management company, 7 Under, with an option for a second year. DWB are being looked at for movies, commercials and modeling.

And, at the Troy Christmas Parade, Monday night, DWB almost upstaged the man of the hour, Santa Claus. Dem White Boyz were trailed by a television crew sent by their management company that was shooting a pilot for a reality show about the Boyz to be shopped around to networks.

The 7 Under crew was in Troy on Sunday and Monday and shot scenes around town, including the historic downtown square, city signs and other places of interest.

Angie Grice, John Stephen’s mom, said the video that was shot included interviews with the Boyz and their families.

“The interviews were basically situations in the homes and at the parents’ workplaces,” Grice said. “John Stephen’s and Cole’s dads work at Troy University, so the film crew was there. They filmed at Anytime Fitness where Cole’s mom, Sherri, teaches Zumba and at Brooke’s Salon where Baylor’s mom, Melanie, works.”

The crew also shot scenes at Pike Liberal Arts School where Angie Grice is the coach of the junior varsity cheerleaders.

“The footage will really be snippets of our lives that is being done for a pilot of a TV show that they’re trying to get produced,” Grice said.

Grice said no solid deal has been made with any channel but the pilot could help pave the way.