Commission approve bids for striping project

Published 11:00 pm Monday, November 25, 2013

The Pike County Commission accepted a bid to begin a countywide striping project.

Pike County Engineer Russell Oliver said the Road Department had received some good news earlier in the week. “I have some great news,” Oliver said. “We had set aside $100,000 in the yearly budget for this striping project. We had a bid come back with every road we had wanted at $85,682.12. We had some great bids, and we are very happy with the price point. We recommend that we accept the bid from Peak Pavement. We will add more roads back in to get closer to the budget.”

The commission also approved five other pieces of business:

• The commission approved a family medical leave of absence for an employee of the Road Department.

• The commission approved a request to fill a position advertised in the Pike County Emergency Management Administration.

• The commission approved a schedule of commission meetings for the upcoming year. The commission will meet on the second and fourth Mondays of every month. A work session will be held at 5:15, and the meeting will be held at 6 p.m.

• The commission approved an EMPG FY2013 Grant.

• The commission granted all county employees a half day on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving.

All county buildings will be closed at noon on Wednesday. All county offices will also be closed on Thanksgiving and Friday.