Rotary assistant governor visits Brundidge club

Published 11:01 pm Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Michael Lawler, Rotary Assistant Governor Zone 4, was the program guest of the Brundidge Rotary Club Wednesday.

Lawler congratulated the Brundidge Rotarians on a grant award that he said is the largest awarded to Zone 4 clubs in the present grant cycle. The grant was for the purchase of new stage curtains for Pike County Elementary School.

The Brundidge Rotary Club received a matching Rotary grant in the amount of $3,000. The club’s match was $2,000. PCES received a $2,500 Walmart grant that will provide the funds needed to complete the purchase.

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Lawler commended the Rotarians on their continued support of education in the local community. The club awards several scholarships to area high school graduates each year and also donates dictionaries to fourth grade students in schools within the county.

“Always dream big,” Lawler said. “Your club is doing many great things but you can always do more.”

The Brundidge Rotary Club has recently added several new members and that is an indication that Rotary is alive and well in Brundidge, Lawler said.

“The Brundidge Rotary Club not only positively impacts the Brundidge area but is also making an impact around the world,” he said. “Working together, in 25 years, the World Health Organization and Rotary International have almost eradicated polio. Worldwide only 250 cases of polio were reported in the last year.

“India is now polio free because there has not been a case of polio in India in three years,” he said.

Lawler said the Syria is now committed to having all of its children inoculated.

But the world is not home free. Lawler said the poliovirus has been found in sewers in London and Tel Aviv.

“There is still work to do,” he said.

Lawler urged the Rotarians to continue to give to the Rotary Foundation.

“For every $1,000 Paul Harris Fellowship awarded before Jan. 1, 2014, Bill Gates will match $3 for every $1. This is a great time to put your dollars to work.”