County, city making progress with ATRIP program

Published 11:00 pm Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Counties around the state of Alabama took time this Wednesday to update their citizens on the progress that has been made on ATRIP funded projects throughout the state.

The ATRIP program was established in 2012 by Gov. Robert Bentley in order to aid local governments in maintaining their roads and bridges.

Pike County is receiving $12.5 million from the federal government to complete 16 projects within the city. It is important to remember, however, that ATRIP money can only be used on major roadways throughout the county. None of the ATRIP money can be set aside for the identified 57 local roads in need of resurfacing.

County Commission Chairman Homer Wright thanked the governor from the citizens of Pike County. “I would like to personally thank Gov. Robert Bentley for this wise investment in our local transportation system,” Wright said.

Of the 16 projects funded by ATRIP in Pike County, 10 fall under the jurisdiction of the County Commission. The remaining six are within the Troy city limits.

County Engineer Russell Oliver spoke on the progress of the roads set to be resurfaced within the county. “We have substantially completed the resurfacing and bridge work on County Road 2214,” Oliver said. “Five of the other roads have been let to contract. The other three are in the preliminary stages of being set up.”

Goshen mayor Jack Waller spoke on his city’s gratitude at the resurfacing of County Road 2214. “The people of Goshen couldn’t have asked for more,” Waller said. “It’s a beautiful job. You’ve done everything we wanted and expected. We no longer have to drive 10 miles out of the way to get to Troy.”

Marcus Paramore represented the city of Troy and explained the work that had been done in the city limits. “So far, we have one project that has been let for improvement. That project works on Montgomery St., East Madison St., and Three Notch St.,” Paramore said. “We hope to have projects for Enzor Road and Henderson Highway by January of 2014. We want to have the project for Elm St. done by the end of next February.”

Paramore also shared that he was proud of the way that the city and county came together to fund the projects. “The commission, in partnership with the city, has done a good job of coming together to bring this money to Pike County,” Paramore said. “This could not have happened without a good working relationship between the two.”

Commissioner Ray Goodson also shared his opinion on the project. “I’ve been here over 20 years, and this is the biggest road project I have seen.”

Oliver summed up the effect that ATRIP has had on the county. “We’ve been able to do work that we would not have otherwise been able to do.”

The ten roads in county jurisdiction funded by the ATRIP project are: CR 2214, CR 2201, CR 2238, CR 4404, CR 3316, CR 7708, CR 6600, CR 5513, CR 7702, CR 6618.

The six roads in the Troy city limits are: Madison St., Enzor Road, Henderson Highway, Three Notch St., CR 5513, and McKinley Drive.