Farm-City Week just a few, short days away

Published 11:00 pm Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Red Hat Ladies’ tour is a high priority event for the 2013 Pike County Farm-City Week activities. However, the tour is not just for ladies in red hats. It’s for anyone who wants to know more about the agricultural side of the county.

The Farm-City Committee of the Pike County Chamber of Commerce met Tuesday morning to discuss the activities and events of 2013 Farm-City Week.

Randy Hale, chair of the Pike County Farm City Committee, said the Red Hat Ladies tour is set for Oct. 30 and will include a visit to a home in the Mt. Moriah community that was constructed “totally” from wood.

“It’s amazing to see how many different kinds of wood were used and how the wood was used,” Hale said. “The tour will also include timberland at the Davis farm and a historic Mt. Moriah church.”

The tour group will meet 8:30 a.m. Oct. 30 at the Holiday Inn in Troy and everyone will be invited to a Dutch-treat lunch at a local restaurant following the tour. Reservations for the tour may be made by calling the Pike County Chamber of Commerce at 566-2294.

The Farm-City Committee voted to sponsor and co-host the Classroom in the Forest event for fifth-grade students throughout the county Oct. 22 and 23. The “Classroom” will be at the Gene Renfroe farm in the northwest area of the county.

Nominations for the annual Farm-City Awards that recognize outstanding achievement in the areas of row crop farming, beef and poultry production, conservation, specialty crops, timberland, service to agriculture and youth participation are being accepted. A city award will also be presented for outstanding contributions to agriculture. Nominations may be made at the Chamber office in downtown Troy.

The annual Farm-City Awards Banquet will be held at 6:30 p.m. Nov. 7 at Cattleman Park. Tickets for the banquet are $12 and are available by calling the Chamber office, 566-2294.

Hale announced that the Pike County Farm-City booth at the Pike County Fair won first place. Chairs were June Flowers and Jewell Griffin.

Hale congratulated the chairs and expressed appreciation to them and all of those who worked with them to put together the display of the agricultural products produced in Pike County.

Hale said students in grades K-12 countywide will have opportunities to participate in Farm-City poster, essay and media contests. This year’s theme is “Alabama Agriculture: Growing for You and Me.” The winners will recognized at the Farm-City Banquet.

The Pike County Farm-City Committee will have an entry in the Peanut Butter Festival Parade in Brundidge on Saturday, Oct. 26.