Local car dealer goes pink for breast cancer awareness

Published 11:00 pm Wednesday, October 2, 2013


October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and Bill Jackson Chevrolet supports “Making Strides Against Breast Cancer.”

The Chevrolet dealership in Troy is participating in a month long Pink Out.

Bill Jackson Chevrolet has unveiled a new look for its dealership for the month of October.

The outside entrance to the car dealership is painted pink and blue and is highlighted by pink cancer survivor ribbons.

In the parking lot, the “company” car is decorated with pink survivor ribbons. The Bill Jackson logo has changed to pink for the month and the car sports the message that Bill Jackson Chevrolet employees support “Making Strides Against Breast Cancer.”

The businesses electronic road sign is even flashing its messages in Survivor Pink.

Bill Jackson said he likes to be a pioneer, especially when it comes to joining the fight against cancer and helping to save lives.

“The Pink Out will bring greater awareness to breast cancer and maybe encourage people to support the ACS,” Jackson said.

“At Bill Jackson Chevrolet, we have about 40 employees and probably everyone of us, in some way, has been affected by cancer.

“This is our way of giving support to the American Cancer Society during National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.”

The American Cancer Society “Making Strides Against Breast Cancer” promotion is a way to inspire communities to honor breast cancer survivors, raise awareness about steps that can be taken to reduce the risk of getting breast cancer and raise money to help the ACS fight the disease with breast cancer research information and services and access to mammograms for women who need them.

Since Making Strides began 20 years ago, breast cancer death rates have declined more than 32 percent.

Employees at the local car dealership on U.S. Highway 231 in Troy are also encouraged to wear pink this month in honor of the adopted theme for October.