Fireworks show on for Saturday

Published 11:09 pm Wednesday, August 28, 2013

It may not be July 4, but the first home game for the Troy Trojans is reason enough to celebrate.

Troy University has partnered with the City of Troy Parks and Recreation Department to create a musical fireworks extravaganza following Saturday night’s game against the UAB Blazers.

The City of Troy had already paid half of the $16,000 fireworks show, so the university offered to pick up the other half of the tab, Parks and Recreation Director Dan Smith explained. The Sound of the South will also play patriotic music during the display.

“We were very appreciative that the university invited us to have the city’s firework show at the conclusion of the game,” Smith said. “It ties in nicely for that Saturday night and it is a holiday weekend, so we are hoping for a large crowd.”

Smith was told by the company contracted to shoot off Troy’s display that more than 25 shows had been canceled in Alabama due to bad weather on July 4. The company also noted that many areas, including Troy, had been able to reschedule fireworks displays for the Labor Day weekend.

Smith said he expects the show to begin between 9 and 9:30 p.m. on Saturday. Spectators will be allowed to enter Veterans Memorial Stadium after the game to snag a seat, or they can watch from their favorite viewing location in Troy. Smith said the fireworks will still be shot from Charles Henderson High School.

“We are really looking forward to it and think it is a great concept to tie into the Labor Day weekend,” Smith said.