Nutrition seminar registration underway

Published 11:00 pm Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Humbled Hearts will host a nutrition seminar from 5:30 until 6:30 p.m. on Sept. 7 and 8 at Helicon Community Center at Grady near Highland Home in Crenshaw County.

Humbled Hearts, Inc. is a non-profit wellness foundation founded by Dana Wilson in 2012 to assist those who don’t have health insurance or have limited coverage and could benefit from a financial assistance grant.

“The nutrition seminar is for anyone who is interested in how to eat better and still have good tasting foods and ways to prepare them,” Wilson said. “The seminar will focus on nutrition for those with diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and other health conditions that require attention to special diets.”

The nutrition seminar will be conducted by Dorothy Howard of the Alabama Cooperative Extension System.

“The programs will be very informative and also a lot of fun,” Wilson said. “Ms. Howard will have foods prepared to taste and we’ll have food guessing games like on television. She will also talk about budgeting and have charts available to help prepare food budgets for a week and for a month.”

Wilson said there will also be information for those who are dealing with obesity in both children and adults.

The Humbled Hearts Nutrition Seminar is free and open to the public. However, those who plan to attend are asked to sign up for the seminar before Sept. 2 by calling (334) 722-0440.

Humbled Heart,s Inc. is patterned after Sav-a-Life in Troy and is designed to promote better health among those in the local community through seminars and workshops and by providing financial assistance for those who are in need due to health issues.