Chelsey Holland attends law and CSI forum

Published 11:00 pm Friday, July 26, 2013

For Chelsey Holland, a Pike County High School sophomore, the opportunity to attend the National Youth Leadership Forum on Law and Crime Scene Investigation in Washington, D.C., July 9-14 was the opportunity of a lifetime.

Holland said her opportunity to attend the prestigious leadership forum came via Envision EMI, which offers experiential education, leadership and life success programs from high-achieving young people.

Pike County High School sophomore Chelsey Holland attended the National Youth Leadership Forum on Law and Crime Scene Investigation in Washington, D.C. in July.

Pike County High School sophomore Chelsey Holland attended the National Youth Leadership Forum on Law and Crime Scene Investigation in Washington, D.C. in July.

Receiving a nomination to join any Envision EMI program is a reflection of a student having demonstrated academic excellence and/or leadership potential. Selection requires nomination by an accredited teacher or membership in a national or international honor society.

“I received two letters, one to attend a medical forum and one to attend the Law and CSI forum,” Holland said. “Of course, I chose the Law and CSI forum because it would give me lots of exposure to what the life of a lawyer would be like.”

The curriculum for the Forum on Law and CSI is based on actual events, which allows students to learn from the examples set by attorneys of law and court officials from municipal court to the United States Supreme Court. The process encourages students to develop perspective and resolve. Throughout the Forum, students examine how court cases often change the legal system.

Holland said the forum was very informative.

“We listened to nationally recognized legal professionals and lawyers of different types,” she said. “We also participated in simulations that required us to piece together evidence and stories like real lawyers.

“The forum made a great impact on my future profession and it also made me realize how the justice system works. It made me open-minded to other careers that I might one day be interested in. It also showed me nothing is wrong with hard work and dedication for my success.”

Holland is vice president of the Pike County High School SGA, varsity cheer captain, president of the Junior Red Cross and a member of the National Honor Society.