Brundidge park plans on hold

Published 11:00 pm Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Brundidge City Council is in a wait mode regarding the remediation of the city’s recreational park that was located on Nassau Street next to the former National Guard Armory.

Plans for the remediation park have been submitted to the National Park Service through ADECA. The final approval of the plans must come from Washington, D.C., said Britt Thomas, Brundidge city manager.

The plans are for the 6.59-acre recreation area at Ramage Street Park to include walking trails and picnic areas. However, Thomas said the plans do not preclude additional recreational options.

Thomas said before the city can move ahead with the implementation of the plans for the remediation park, they must be approved by the NPS.

He did not speculate on a time frame.

The council took no action on the proposed Pike County Emergency Plan, which Mayor Jimmy Ramage said will be beneficial to the city. Action will be taken at the council’s August meeting.

Karen Rouse of the S.D. James Evangelistic Association shared the plans for the “Each One-Reach One Leadership Celebration” to be held in Brundidge on Saturday.

The Leadership Celebration will begin with a parade through the downtown area at 9 a.m. and will continue with arts and crafts, entertainment and activities on the grounds of Brundidge City Hall.

Rouse said the “Each One-Reach One Leadership Celebration” will bring together business, church and community leaders in an effort to promote unity in the community.

“We want to show appreciation to our leaders and give them an opportunity to get to know each other,” she said. “We don’t want Brundidge to become a Cleveland, Ohio, where people don’t know their neighbors and someone can be held captive for 10 years and nobody know.”

Rouse spoke of the time when neighbors went next door to borrow a cup of sugar.

“We want to keep unity in Brundidge,” she said. “We want to maintain a closeness with each other.”

Support groups that will have booths at the Leadership Celebration are House of Ruth, AIDS Awareness, Red Cross, Blood Bank, the Health Department and S.D. James TAP Center.

The Brundidge City Council meets at 4 p.m. the first and third Tuesdays of the month at Brundidge City Hall. All meetings are open to the public.