Tiger Sharks finish fourth at district, several qualify for state

Published 10:17 pm Monday, July 15, 2013

The Troy Tiger Sharks Swim Team wrapped up its regular season over the weekend at the District Meet in Opelika, but the majority of the swimmers aren’t done yet.

The team finished fourth in district, but saw 16 swimmers qualify for the state meet later this month in Cullman.

Tiger Sharks head coach Shane Tatum said that the weekend at district was a success for his team.

“It went really well, and competed against three other teams,” said Tatum. “Even though we had the smallest team, each one of our swimmers pointed in an event. We had 22 kids scoring points in every race that they were in. That is a huge accomplishment.”

Several swimmers made the state meet including Lily Ryan, Kirill Kobelev, Sarah Snellgrove, Nickalus Chrysson, Cole Coppage, Charlie Rawls, Nathan Taylor, Cody Paramore, Bryce Tatum, Jennifer Jordan, Lakin Turner and Caitlyn Ryan.

The swimmers will compete in both individual and relay events at the two-day meet on July 26-27.

Tatum said that this late in the season getting an edge on an opponent boils down to just two components.

“It’s all about stroke technique and conditioning,” Tatum said. “We are going to have two-a-day practices for the next few weeks to work on things. We will up the yardage some to get in better swimming condition, and will hammer out some fine-tune things.”

Tatum said that his team of swimmers will try their best to make their hometown proud.

“We will go to Cullman in a couple of weeks and do all we can,” said Tatum. “We will be one of the smaller teams there, but will do our best to represent the city of Troy and the people of Troy.”