Brundidge to see spotlight on July 28

Published 11:00 pm Thursday, July 4, 2013

Ever since a camera crew from New York visited little Brundidge, residents have been eager to catch a glimpse of their city on national television.

The episode of the popular MSNBC business show, “Your Business,” that features Brundidge will air at 6:30 a.m. on Sunday, July 28.

When MSNBC came to town June 17-19 to film a segment of the show, Brundidge Mayor Jimmy Ramage said the visit was a big deal.

The show’s producer, Frank Silverstein, and host, JJ Ramberg, were seeking answers to the question of how businesses survive on Main Street in small towns.

“We were just honored that they chose Brundidge,” Ramage said. “We have been very fortunate that we have business owners who are dedicated to our community and work hard every day to make their businesses a success.”

Ramberg took a walking tour of the city with Ramage and he gave her insight into how the downtown business climate has changed over the past 50 or 60 years and what the city and the Brundidge Business Association are doing to retain existing businesses and attract new businesses to the downtown area.

Ramberg visited with the owners of Stinson’s Barber Shop, whose dad owned and operated the shop for about six decades. Joe Stinson, Jimmie Jackson and Ann Webb are carrying on the family tradition, a practice that is a bit unusual in today’s Main Street world.

Silverstein, Ramberg and their film crew visited Chris Rich, who with his wife, Sara, own Studio 116 that has as its goal to build community through the arts. Rich shared his belief that the arts can play an important role on Main Streets in small towns.

People who would like to be part of the show still have the opportunity. Producers are looking from photographs of downtown Brundidge during the 1940s, 50s, and 60s. Those who would like to share should take their photos the Studio 116 or The Messenger where they will be scanned and returned.