‘Biggest Yard Sale’ set for this weekend

Published 11:00 pm Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Troy Shrine Club will sponsor Troy’s Biggest Yard Sale on Friday and Saturday at the Pike County Fairgrounds.

Georgia Kilpatrick, publicity chair for the event, said the yard sale is billed as “Troy’s Biggest” based on the success of the Troy Shrine Clubs’ participation in the World’s Widest Yard Sale that took place May 31-June 2 through Alabama along U.S. Highway 80.

“The Troy Shrine Club had 100 vendors to participate in the World’s Widest Yard Sale, so we expect to have a large number of vendors at Troy’s Biggest Yard Sale,” Kilpatrick said. “On Monday, we had 50 booths reserved and we’ll have a lot more before Friday.”

Kilpatrick said the booth rental at $5 a day is more than affordable.

“You can reserve inside or outside spaces,” she said. “We’ll have designated spots for those who need to operate from their trucks or trailers. It’s five dollars a day regardless.”

Troy’s Biggest Yard Sale will open at 7 a.m. and not close until all of the vendors shut down.

“Our regular Saturday yard sales at the Pike County Fairgrounds end at noon but we’ll be there all day Friday and Saturday to give people a chance to come out and shop,” Kilpatrick said. “The fairgrounds will be locked and secured at night so vendors who plan to stay both days can cover their merchandise and leave it overnight.”

Troy’s Biggest Yard Sale will also feature a food court with a variety of foods.

“Or course, we’ll have hotdogs and hamburgers and French fries,” Kilpatrick said. “But we’ll also have Polish dogs, nachos and cheese and other festival type foods and lots of desserts.”

All proceeds from Troy’s Biggest Yard Sale will benefit the Shriners Hospitals for Children, which is a network of 22 non-profit hospitals all across the country.

Children with orthopedic conditions, burns, spinal cord injuries and cleft lip and palate are eligible for care regardless of the patients’ ability to pay.

Booth spaces may be reserved by calling (334) 372-7798.