Boys & Girls Club searches for new director as Nealey bids farewell

Published 11:00 pm Friday, June 7, 2013

Former chief financial officer of the Boys & Girls Club of Pike and Surrounding Counties, Pamela Nealey, celebrated her last day on the job Friday. She is pictured with children enrolled in the club’s summer program.

Former chief financial officer of the Boys & Girls Club of Pike and Surrounding Counties, Pamela Nealey, celebrated her last day on the job Friday. She is pictured with children enrolled in the club’s summer program.

Pamela Nealey said goodbye to “her kids” at the Pike County Boys & Girls Club of Pike and Surrounding Counties on Friday afternoon.

Nealey, who has been the chief financial officer for the club for the last two and a half years, is moving to Rocky Mountain, N.C. where she will be the area director for four Boys & Girls Clubs.

“I cried this morning when I talked to my kids,” Nealey said. “But I feel like I am leaving them in a good place. I am proud of my kids.”

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Nealey and the other staff members and volunteers at the local club oversee about 35 children during summer months and 65 to 70 children during the school year. Since coming to Troy, Nealey has been able to implement programs including dance classes, martial arts education and a traveling basketball team.

“I fell like I’m leaving at a good time when I have set a solid foundation, but I am not too proud to recognize that someone can come in and take the club to the next level,” Nealey shared. “I am excited to hear what happens for these children in the future.”

Tiffany Siler has worked alongside Nealey at the club for quite some time and Nealey said she was the perfect fit to take over her position in an interim capacity.

The club’s board of directors is now searching for a permanent replacement. Applications can be made at

“The person needs to have drive and passion,” Nealey said. “And a love for these kids is a must.”