Thanks for supporting Global Studies

Published 11:00 pm Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Pike County Board of Education and Troy City Board of Education have afforded me an incredible first year as the Global Studies Coordinator. I serve 20 students who reflect the epitome of excellence and represent their respective school systems with honor. I would like to extend my appreciation to Dr. Mark Bazzell, Mr. Lee Hicks, and their Boards of Educations for the confidence they placed in me to serve their students. Ms. Julie Simmons has been monumental in providing guidance which has led to a smooth transition and a very successful year for the Global students and myself.

Additionally, I offer my deepest gratitude to:

Troy University, Troy University Library, Pike Pioneer Museum, Troy Regional Medical Center, Troy Pike Cultural Arts Center, Troy Public Library, Troy University Physical Education Department, Hall School of Journalism and Communication, Troy Police Department, Pike Regional Child Advocacy Center, KW Plastics

Their willingness to open their doors and share their expertise gave the Global students insight to successful business operations and career options. It is encouraging to live in a community with such willingness to embrace and invest in their children. Our children are invaluable to the future of our county, our state, and our nation. Thanks to each of you for opening the doors and helping us shape their lives and assure their certain prosperity.

Looking forward to another great year,

Ginger Boutwell



Can you sleep knowing this is happening in America?

A letter to the editor addressing a current issue that threatens our Constitutional liberties.

On occasion, we learn of an issue so vile, unbelievably despicable that we feel compelled to speak out.

Such is the case of Brandon Raub, 27, of rural Virginia. Raub, a decorated Marine veteran of the Iraqi and Afghanistan Wars, is now a civilian and became an outspoken critic of U.S. policies via Facebook.

He did not own or possess any weapon. Over a year ago, without warrants or warning, a combined force of FBI agents, Secret Service, DHS agents and local police swooped down on the Raub residence, handcuffed him and involuntarily confined him to a mental health facility for more than 30 days.

When agents sought to have Raub detained indefinitely without legal review or evidence, a local Circuit Judge stepped in and declared there was “no evidence of a crime” and ordered his immediate release.

The clear reason is there was never any warrants because there was no “probable cause” evidence to support issuance.

Even the arresting agents stated that Raub’s Facebook posts was the only reason they arrested him-notwithstanding his Freedom of Speech I suppose!

In 2009, the Wall Street Journal broke a story of Obama’s Department of Homeland Security implementing a policy code named, “Operation Vigilant Eagle” targeting potential lone wolf terrorists and the policy specifically names returning war veterans in the same vain as terrorist!

The naysayers would quickly refute the possibility of this happening in America. Wake up America!

One expects such policies in China, Russia and North Korea, but even under those totalitarian extremes, there has never been evidence of the targeting of returning war veterans!

The conservative legal aid organization, The Rutherford Institute, has filed suit on behalf of Brandon Raub and his family for what they have endured, citing violations of his First, Forth and Fourteen Amendment rights.

Unspecified monetary damages are sought as well as that the U.S Government to be enjoined from further harassing the Raub family.

I would not ask you to accept the credibility of this story without documentation. You may read and watch a full report and additional supporting facts at this Web link:

Can you sleep tonight knowing that this is happening in America?

At least inquire of your local media as to why they have chosen NOT to cover this story. Denial of Constitutional liberties is the most serious issue we will ever face and should have priority in coverage and reporting.

James W. Anderson
