Troy asks for odd/even watering

Published 11:00 pm Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Written by Kelsey Vickers, inter with The Messenger

The City of Troy is requesting that all residents abide by a new odd/even watering schedule for outside usage until further notice.

If a home address is an even number, watering should be done on even days of the month.

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If an address is an odd number, watering should take place on odd days of the month.

Mike Davis, Water & Sewer Superintendent of Troy Utilities, said that this change is a result of the dry summer weather the area has been experiencing.

“Usually in summer months, we experience a dry spell,” Davis said. “We’re trying to get ahead of the game by requesting that residents abide by this new schedule.”

Davis said that there have been no complications yet as a result of this change.

Davis said that the schedule is not mandatory, but it would be very helpful if residents would volunteer to follow it.

“We won’t be going around checking to see if residents are abiding by the schedule change,” Davis said. “No residents have complained about it so far.”

The city requests that sprinklers be set accordingly and also asks for people to not water their lawns more than one inch per week.

The schedule will be active until the City of Troy’s water supply is back to a normal level, Davis said.

Questions regarding the schedule change may be directed to Mike Davis at (334) 670-6031.