Music club ends meeting year with members’ recital
Published 11:00 pm Thursday, May 30, 2013
The Troy Music Study Club met Monday, May 27, in the home of Don and Lyra Crapps with Joyce Dix as co-host. A members’ recital coordinated by Janelle Williams ended the club year.

Choral Director Bill Denison, Secretary Angie Roling, Vice President Bobby Swisher, Reporter/Historian Betty Spann, Treasurer June Kendrick; seated, President Lyndia Dew, Accompanist Lyra Crapps.
Dovie Cutchen, president, welcomed members, two guests, Winnie and Andy Martincak, and led the Federation Collect. The singing of the Federation Hymn was directed by Bill Denison and accompanied by Lyra Crapps. John Dew presented the background of the May song from TOGETHER WE SING -”Arkansas Traveler” which was directed by Bill Denison and accompanied by Lyra Crapps. Music in Poetry chairman, June Kendrick, read “Remembering” written by American novelist and poet Conrad Aikin (1889-1073) who was the winner of the Pulitzer Prize in Poetry in 1930 and was a United States Poet Laureate in 1929.
Following the rituals, President Cutchen conducted a business session. Reports were given by officers and committee chairmen. The nominating committee chairman read the new slate of officers for 2013-2015 which was voted on and accepted. The officers for this biennium are: President Lyndia Dew, Vice President Bobbie Swisher, Secretary Angie Roling, Treasurer June Kendrick, Reporter/Historian Betty Spann, Choral Director Bill Denison and Accompanist-Lyra Crapps.
Janelle Williams, program coordinator, introduced the “Members’ Recital” which was presented as follows: 1. “Simple Gifts” (Elder Joseph Brackett, Jr.) Janelle Williams, Soprano. 2.”Taps” (A reading) Millie Walter. 3. “I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked” (Geoffrey O’Hara) Betty Chancellor, Soprano. 4. “The Boll Weevil” (Harace C. Carlisle), poem read by June Kendrick. 5. “Absent Friends” (Old French Air by Burton Thompson) group sang led by Bobbie Swisher whose father wrote the song and accompanied by Lyra Crapps. 6. “I’ll Fly Away”(Albert E. Brumley) group sang with Ellis Bush directing and Juanita Bush accompaning. 7.”Maple Leaf Rag” (Scott Joplin) Amanda Ford, pianist. 8. “Calypso” (John Denver) John and Lyndia Dew , vocal duet accompanied by John Dew on guitar. 9. “O Divine Redeemer” (CH Gound) soprano-tenor duet, Betty and Jerry Spann , accompanied by Lyra Crapps. 10. “Sonata in A Major, Longo 428”(Domenico Scarlotti (1685-1757) Lyra Crapps, pianist. 11. “His Eye is on the Sparrow” (Charles H. Gabriel, arranged by Cindy Berry) background of song, Jim Roling, Angie Roling, pianist. 12, “Noctune, Op. 32.No. 1” (Frederic Chopin) Bill Denison, pianist. 13. Patriotic Music, ( Salute to the Armed Forces, arranged by Camp Kirkland) Group sang, accompanied and led by John Jinright.
President Dovie Cutchen closed the meeting by reading a touching poem, “ Thank God for You.” The members and guests then enjoyed refreshments and fellowship time.
The Troy Music Study Club, organized in 1905, is affiliated with the National Federation of Music Clubs and the Alabama Federation of Music Clubs.
This article was submitted by Betty Spann with TMSC.