Spay/neuter program ends Friday
Published 6:30 pm Tuesday, May 28, 2013
The Humane Society of Pike County’s spring 2013 spay and neuter program ends on May 31 but will be offered again in the late summer or early fall.
Susan Jinright, Society treasurer, said the program has been very successful to date.
“Our veterinarians have done 200 procedures and we are extremely pleased with that number,” Jinright said. “The program does end on Friday so we don’t expect many more than that.”
To participate in the program a pet owner must live in Pike County or be a student at Troy University.
“To participate, a pet owners must call the veterinarian of their choice and say that they are participating in the Humane Society of Pike County’s spay and neuter program and schedule an appointment,” Jinright said. “The humane society will pay $50 of the procedure but only through Friday for this program.”
Jinright expressed appreciation to the local veterinarians who all participated in the program.
“And, we want to thank all of the pet owners who participated,” she said. “The spay and neuter program is successful in reducing the number of unwanted dogs and cats in the pet population. Of course, we continue to have a growing problem with feral cats but we offer another program that is designed to help reduce that population.”
The feral cat program is a catch, spay/neuter and release program.
The humane society pays the cost of those procedures.
Whether one believes the urban legend that, beginning with an unneutered male and unspayed female, in 10 years, that pair and their offspring will total about 80,000 or the scientific research that places that number at 400 in seven years, it’s a fact that one such pair of courting cats will produce a lot of strays.
“The Humane Society of Pike County’s goal is to greatly reduce the number of neglected and abused dogs and cats in Pike County,” Jinright said. “We encourage pet owners to have their animals spayed or neutered. That is the best way to control the animal population.”