Prayer breakfast Thursday

Published 11:00 pm Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Southside Baptist Church will host a Business Leaders Prayer Breakfast at 7 a.m. Thursday in the church fellowship hall.

The breakfast is designed for business owners, managers, former business owners and anyone who wishes to be in prayer for the business community.

The Rev. Andrew Knick, church pastor, said that God gave the church the idea for the business leaders prayer breakfast.

“We know that many business leaders are facing difficult economic times and we wanted to offer a prayer breakfast as encouragement for them,” Knick said.

“Business owners are looking for ways to make their businesses work. Jesus said that we should be about His work, so we wanted to offer spiritual opportunities for our business leaders.”

Knick said that the prayer breakfast will be a time of encouragement.

“Even though some of our businesses are really struggling, God has given us the talent and ability to work,” he said. “So, if we can stay the path, grind it out and be faithful, God will provide.”

The Business Leaders Prayer Breakfast will include a time of fellowship and devotion, which will be led by Johnny Witherington.

“Certain needs in our business community could be expressed and we will be in prayer for those specific needs, for all our businesses and for our city,” Knick said. “The breakfast will be a time of fellowship, devotion and prayer and all who are concerned about our business community are encouraged to attend.”

Knick said that, as a church, he usually stays out of politics, however, with new government policies and procedures, more businesses could have difficulties.

“Seeing layoffs and other financial difficulties coming down the line, it is time for us to pray for our business community,” he said.

Based on attendance and interest, Knick said the Business Leaders Prayer Breakfast could become a quarterly or biennial event as a way of continued support and encouragement for the business community.

There will be a $5 per person charge to cover the cost of the breakfast. Reservations may be made by calling the church office at 566-2263.