Police Reports: Published 3.22

Published 11:00 pm Thursday, March 21, 2013








Two traffic accidents without injuries on Alabama 87.



Traffic accident without injuries on Murphree Street.



Vehicle fire on Orion Street.

Two reports of damage to property on Murphree Street.

Two reports of domestic dispute on Highway 231.

Two reports of disorderly conduct on Elm Street.

Harassment on US Highway 231 South.

Two reports of unauthorized use of a vehicle on North Knox Street.

Two reports of unauthorized use of a vehicle on Botts Avenue.

Suspicious circumstances on Copeland Street.

Suspicious circumstances (identity theft) on Second Avenue.

Damage to property on US Highway 231 South.

Domestic violence 3rd degree and theft of property 2nd degree on County Road 3057.

Theft of property 2nd degree on County Road 3319.

Domestic dispute on West Fairview Street.



Two reports of suspicious circumstances on Elba Highway.

Two reports of criminal mischief 2nd degree and alias writ of arrest on Bula Road.

Domestic violence 3rd degree on Peacock Street.

Resisting arrest and giving false identification to law enforcement officer on Peacock Street.



Four reports of domestic violence 3rd degree on County Road 7743.

Two reports of burglary 3rd degree on Highway 87.

Harassment on Park Street.

Domestic dispute on Railroad Avenue.

Unlawful breaking and entering a vehicle on Gibbs Street.

Damaged property on Pine Street.



Harassment on Lake Avenue.

Domestic violence 3rd degree on Highway 231.

Harassment on Gamble Street.

Damage to property on Highway 231 South.

Dogs running at large on Spradley Drive.

Burglary 3rd degree on County Road 5519.

Traffic accident without injuries on South Three Notch Street.

Traffic accident without injuries on US 231.

Traffic accident without injuries on Henderson Highway.

Two reports of harassment on Gamble Street.

Domestic violence 3rd degree on Aster Avenue.

Harassment on Highway 87.

Suspicious circumstances on US Highway 231 South.



Damage to vehicle on Gibbs Street.

Burglary 3rd degree on Sanders Road.