Troy offers scholarships for military
Published 11:00 pm Friday, March 15, 2013
Troy University is responding to last week’s announcement regarding the suspension of tuition assistance for military personnel with the creation of new scholarships.
The three new scholarships will discount undergraduate per-credit hour tuition for active duty, Reserve and National Guard students who would otherwise be eligible for military tuition assistance.
Once eligibility is verified, the scholarships will discount any undergraduate tuition charges in excess of $250. The scholarships will save up to $360 for any military member taking a full course load of 12 semester hours.
“The University recognizes the hardship the sequestration has on service members, and this is our chance to make a difference,” said Dr. Lance Tatum, vice chancellor of Troy University’s Global Campus. “We are committed to supporting our military to the fullest extent possible.”
The Troy for Troops Active Duty Military Discount Scholarship, Military Reserves Discount Scholarship and National Guard Discount Scholarship will require service members to provide proof of eligibility on an application form available on the University’s website by clicking the Military Tuition Assistance Information button.
The scholarships are available to both full- and part-time undergraduate students through the final term of the 2013-2014 academic year, and apply to both in-classroom and online courses.
The scholarships are a direct response to an announcement made by the Secretary of the Army on March 8 that tuition assistance was immediately suspended for all active-duty soldiers – including Guard and Reserve personnel.
On March 12, the Air Force announced a suspension of tuition assistance; on March 12, the Coast Guard suspended tuition assistance; the Marine Corps has announced that there can be no new enrollments in the Voluntary Education Tuition Assistance Program.
GI Bill benefits are still in place; Marine Corps personnel already using VETAP will be allowed to continue; and Coast Guard members who submitted applications prior to March 13 will be notified whether their applications were approved.
The Navy has not made an announcement regarding tuition assistance.
Troy University officials said they will continue to research avenues to assist military students who are pursuing graduate degrees.
Visit for scholarship applications and more information.