Boys and Girls Club members visit Alabama lawmakers

Published 11:00 pm Friday, March 15, 2013

Samira Moore and Charity Austin, both 10, recently had the opportunity to watch Alabama representatives work at the State House.

Samira Moore and Charity Austin, both 10, recently had the opportunity to watch Alabama representatives work at the State House.

Two local girls got a taste of what it’s like to be an Alabama lawmaker when they visited Montgomery’s State House.

Charity Austin and Samira Moore, both 10 and fifth-grade students at Troy Elementary School, took part in the Boys and Girls Clubs of Alabama Legislative Day.

“It’s a two-fold trip,” explained Pamela Nealey, chief professional officer for the Boys and Girls Clubs of Pike and Surrounding Counties. “The children get to see lawmakers in action and lawmakers are able to make a connection with the Boys and Girls Clubs.”

That’s important when it comes to funding, Nealey explained.

“I think sometimes lawmakers might vote on bills that affect us and not make a connection with the clubs,” Nealey said.

Austin and Moore were allowed to participate in the day as an “extension of learning” granted by their principal Juan Henderson.

“At first I thought it might be boring,” Austin said, “but it turned out to be so much fun.”

Moore said her favorite part of the day was sitting in the gallery of the House of Representatives.

“I learned what they do and that it seems harder than I thought,” Moore said.

Moore and Austin met with Troy University graduate Liz Dowe. Dowe works in Rep. Alan Boothe’s office and told the girls about how laws are made and explained the job that lawmakers do.

“Just the experience for them was wonderful,” Nealey said. “We participated last year and we will do it again next year.”

Nealey said she’d even like to organize a trip to take more local children to visit with Alabama lawmakers in Montgomery.