Local FSA office encourages celebration of Ag Day

Published 11:00 pm Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Alabama Farm Service Agency (FSA) is joining other farm service agencies across the country in encouraging all Americans to take a moment to celebrate agriculture on March 19, National Ag Day.

“During these turbulent fiscal times, we should all take a few minutes to celebrate agriculture and honor our hard-working farmers and ranchers here in Alabama and across the nation,” said Jeff Knotts, FSA Pike County executive director. “The theme of National Ag Day this year is ‘Generations Nourishing Generations.’ According to recent USDA studies, the agricultural sector right now remains a bright spot in terms of economic stability and growth and there is a strong demand for United State agricultural products.”

Knotts said that generation after generation of agricultural producers in Alabama are getting up early every day to provide the food, fiber and fuel that feed and clothe Americans and people around the world.

“As research advances, the future may be even brighter,” Knotts said. “New uses for agriculture produces are being found to utilize natural ingredients for life-saving medicines and supply the critical commodities required in a long list of manufacturing sectors.”

Even though there was an onslaught of natural disasters this past year, Knotts said that farmers and ranchers weathered the storms.

“These natural disasters created less than ideal growing conditions for producers but they still managed to grow the commodities that keep our economy moving forward,” he said. “And, they maintain our abundant supply of renewable resources in an environmentally sensitive manner.”

Knotts said that each American farmer produces enough food to feed more than 144 people.

“That’s a dramatic increase from the 25 people a farmer sustained in 1960,” Knotts said. “These increased efficiencies demonstrate that American agriculture is producing more and doing it better than ever before.

“For the life sustaining efforts of our farmers and ranchers, we honor Alabama agricultural producers for their vital contributions.”