Art guild luncheon ticket deadline
Published 11:00 pm Thursday, February 14, 2013
The Troy Music Study Club will present its annual Founders Day program on Sunday, February 24, in the sanctuary of the First United Methodist Church, at 2:30 p.m.
This year’s program will be a Hymn Festival, featuring choirs, organ, flute, and handbells. The choir will include members of the Troy Music Study Club, the First United Methodist Church Chancel Choir, and the choir of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church. There will be hymns by the choirs and organ and participation by the audience.
Conducting the choirs will be Dr. William Denison, and the organists will be Lyra Crapps and Dr. John Jinright. Amanda Ford will play flute accompaniments, and several choir members will play handbells. There will be scripture readings to introduce each section of hymns.
One of the special aspects of this day is to accept donations which will go into the scholarship fund of the Troy Music Study Club. Each year students from the Troy and Pike County public and private high schools may enter and audition for a scholarship.
This program is co-sponsored by the Troy Arts Council. The public is invited and encouraged to attend and to participate in the rich sound of the hymns of the church.
This information was submitted by the Troy Music Study Club.