‘Go red’ at Momma G’s on Friday

Published 6:22 pm Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Heart disease kills more women annually than all the cancers combined.

That’s a staggering fact.

In 2004, the American Heart Association created Go Red for Women, which is a passionate, emotional, social initiative designed to empower women to take charge of their health.

It was also an effort to ban women together and work collectively to wipe out heart disease.

Each year, on the first Friday in February, millions of women and men come together to wear red, take action and commit to fighting cardiovascular disease. And, each year, the Pike County Heart Association participates in National Wear Red Day to help raise awareness of the critical issue of heart disease.

“We are again participating in National Wear Red Day and are encouraging everyone to wear red is support of the efforts to wipe out heart disease,” said Elizabeth Mitchell, chair of the Pike County Heart Walk.

“Momma Goldberg’s in downtown Troy is joining the fight against heart disease and stroke by donating 10 percent of its sales on Friday to the Pike County Heart Walk. We appreciate Momma Goldberg’s support and encourage everyone to visit Momma Goldberg’s on Friday, have a great meal, support the Pike County Heart Walk and join the fight against heart disease and stroke.”

The annual Pike County Heart Walk fundraiser will be from 5:30 until 7:30 on Tuesday, Feb. 19 at the Troy Recreation Center.

“Those who participate in the Heart Walk around the upper level track will be able to enjoy the entertainment that is going on down on the gym floor while they walk,” Mitchell said.

“The laps walked will be recorded and the walkers will have an opportunity to win some really great prizes. Those who walk from one to nine laps will be entered in one division, those who walk nine to 18 laps will be entered in another and those who walk more than 18 laps will be in an even higher division. Drawings will be held for the prizes that include a dental whitening by Dr. Howard’s office, which is valued at $500 and $75 and $150 Wal-Mart gift cards”

Those who participate in the 2013 Pike County Heart Walk will be served free hotdogs and hamburgers and soft drinks.

“The Pike County Heart Walk is going to be a great event,” Mitchell said. “And, we want to kick it off in a big way with Go Red Day. We hope everyone will wear red on Friday and help raise awareness of heart disease and stroke as a number one killer.”