CHHS freshman takes top beauty award

Published 9:09 pm Friday, January 25, 2013

Freshman Jasia Guice was crowned the 2013 queen of Charles Henderson High School’s second annual beauty pageant on Friday night.

Freshman Jasia Guice was crowned the 2013 queen of Charles Henderson High School’s second annual beauty pageant on Friday night.



By Gabrielle Pack, Messenger Intern

Freshman Jasia Guice was crowned the 2013 queen of Charles Henderson High School’s second annual beauty pageant on Friday night.

About 100 friends and family watched the 13 contestants showcase their beauty and evening wear in one category.

The pageant, sponsored by the CHHS Key Club, was open to freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors competing to be crowned Beauty Queen, the People’s Choice winner, and first, second and third runner up.

Kira Aaron, CHHS Key Club Advisor, said the Key Club is the high school version of the Kiwanis Club, which promotes joint service projects with the Children’s Hospital, Sav-A-Life, and Children’s Miracle Network.

This was the first big event held in the school’s new state-of-the-art cafetorium.

“The pageant also gave us a chance to showcase the amazing beauty we have at Charles Henderson High School,” Aaron said.

Caitlin Edenfield, president of the CHHS Key Club, said the pageant was a new idea for the group and will help pay for hotel rooms and travel expenses for the upcoming international conference.

Edenfield said the Key Club is also having a pageant for young men coming soon that will contribute toward the conference, as well.

Guice said she was shocked and excited all at once to be chosen as the top beauty.

“This is my first year at a public school, so I didn’t expect to win,” Guice said.

Her advice to future contestants is to “do what’s comfortable for you, if you feel comfortable then it’s worth it.”

She said she had a good time and looks forward to competing in even more pageants.

Sydney Schroeder, a junior originally from Mobile, said you should just stay relaxed and remain confident.

Lacey Stallworth, a sophomore, won second runner up; Paige Chancellor, a junior, won third runner up; and Freshman Latajah Wilcoxon won the People’s Choice Award.

Miss Troy University Caitlin Crowe was the Mistress of Ceremony and Troy University’s M.I.S.S Elite performed a dance medley during intermission.