Men still wanted in shooting

Published 11:00 pm Thursday, December 13, 2012

Police continued their search Thursday for two men wanted in connection with a burglary and attempted murder on Gibbs Street in Troy Tuesday night.

Two black males – armed, dressed all in black and wearing ski masks – broke into an apartment in the 500 block of Gibbs Street and were at the residence when the Troy University student who lived there returned home.

The two intruders got into a physical altercation with the 23-year-old student and his visiting 26-year-old cousin. The 26-year-old was shot once in the face and once in the abdomen during the struggle.

The intruders fled the scene on foot in the direction of a residential area and police are hoping someone will come forward who may have seen the suspects.

“We need people to call us with information about anybody they may have seen around 10:30 Tuesday night running through the area, wearing all black,” said Troy Police Sgt. Benny Scarbrough. “If anyone witnessed anyone or anything suspicious during that time, please call.”

Police recovered one firearm and other evidence from the crime scene and are diligently searching for the men responsible, Scarbrough said.

The shooting victim was airlifted from Troy Regional Medical Center to UAB Hospital in Birmingham Tuesday night. The university student was uninjured.

Police area asking anyone with information about the crime to call the Troy Police Department at 566-0500 and ask to speak to a detective or supervisor. Those who wish to remain anonymous can call the Secret Witness Line at 566-5555. The suspects are wanted on charges of burglary and attempted murder.