Habitat sells cookies for a cause
Published 11:00 pm Thursday, November 29, 2012
Taking a look at downtown Troy, or riding through Troy University’s campus, it’s easy to forget that there are people struggling in Pike County.
About 30 percent of families in the area live below the poverty line and 38 percent of children in Pike County live below the poverty line.
But there is one group who is working to make sure families and children grow up in a stable, safe environment.
Habitat for Humanity provides affordable homes to families and has been doing so nationally since 1976.
“Sometimes people think we just give houses away, but that’s not the case,” said Jonathan Cellon, a board member with the local Habitat affiliate. “A family has to qualify and volunteer with the organization and once their home is built, they essentially have a no interest mortgage.”
But to provide the land, materials and other things needed to construct homes for families in Pike County, Habitat for Humanity needs help in the way of volunteers and donations.
Dec. 8 is one of the group’s key fund-raisers for the year. Habitat will host a Christmas cookie sale to help raise money for upcoming building projects in the local community.
Cookies will be sold at $6 per pound from 8 a.m. to noon at St. Martin of Tours Catholic Church that Saturday. Cookie donations may be dropped off between noon at 8 p.m on Friday, Dec. 7.
“The money raised stays here in Pike County,” Cellon said. “We’re helping to provide security. Security comes with home ownership.”
If you have land, supplies, skills or money you would like donate to the Troy-Pike Habitat for Humanity, please call (334) 372-7578.