Troy recylces day set for Thursday

Published 11:00 pm Monday, November 12, 2012

Mayor Jason A. Reeves will host a press conference Thursday to declare Nov. 15 as Troy Recycles Day.

The press conference will begin at 3 p.m. at Troy City Hall and is open to the public.

Janet Motes, Troy projects manager, said representatives from the Public Works Department and the Troy Recycling Center will be on hand to discuss recycling information and plans for making Troy a sustainable city.

A sustainable city is designed with consideration for environmental impact and Motes said the focus of Thursday’s press conference will be recycling.

“Troy does a good job of recycling but we can do a better job,” she said. “Through recycling we can make Troy an even more beautiful town and save dollars while doing it.”

And, the City of Troy is going to begin by “sweeping around its own door first.”

“It has to begin with us,” Motes said. “So, what we are doing initially is that we’ve put a recycling trailer at City Hall and we are going to fill it with recyclable materials from all city department for three days, Monday through Wednesday, in an effort to show what can be recycled and then translate that into dollars saved. Recycling is easy and efficient and it’s cost effective.”

The results of the city’s three-day recycling effort will be made public at the Thursday press conference.

Motes said the goal of the city’s renewed focus on recycling is to increase the recycling efforts of all departments within the city.

“The city’s commitment to recycling should be an encouragement to our citizens,” she said. “We will keep track with the tonnage that is recycled for a year just within the city departments. Next year on America Recycles Day, that tonnage will be translated into dollars and cents. Everyone will be able to see the dollars and ‘sense’ of recycling and, hopefully, the recycling efforts will increase even more throughout the city.”