Candidates to speak at Thursday forum

Published 11:00 pm Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Pike County voters have the opportunity to sit in front of local candidates and hear their platforms directly from them this Thursday.

The Pike County Chamber of Commerce’s Legislative Committee is hosting a candidate forum at 5:30 at the Troy Parks and Recreation Department on Enzor Road on Nov. 1.

“We are a growing community with issues that are unique to us,” said Adam Drinkwater, chamber board president. “There are things that people don’t get to hear about on a regular basis and these candidates will be talking about that, where we are, where they see us going and how we are going to get there.”

Unlike other candidate forums hosted this year by the Chamber of Commerce, there will be no question and answer session. Each candidate will have two minutes of uninterrupted time to speak about their background and issues that concern them.

“It’s important for people to attend because we believe voters should be educated about the candidates so they can make better decisions for the community when they cast their votes,” said Leigh Anne Windham, membership and community development coordinator for the Chamber of Commerce.

Seven candidates have committed to attend the forum, including those from commission races 4, 3, and 6, the circuit clerk race and the board of education district 6 race.

The event is expected to last about 45 minutes.

“One of the reasons the Chamber is offering this type of forum is so voters can hear straight from candidates and meet them face-to-face with direct communication,” said Kathleen Sauer, director of the Pike County Chamber of Commerce. “We should all take advantage of that opportunity.”