Roby, Moore rally for faith and freedom in Pike County

Published 11:00 pm Monday, October 29, 2012

Martha Roby joined Pike County residents on the square in downtown Troy Monday night as part of the Faith and Freedom Rally.

Judge Roy Moore received a standing ovation as he took the podium and applause continued throughout his speech at the Faith and Freedom Rally in Troy Monday night.

Moore, candidate for Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, was joined by U.S. Rep. Martha Roby, Pike County Probate Judge Wes Allen and Pike County Circuit Clerk Jamie Scarbrough.

About 100 spectators gathered on the square on a chilly fall evening. Both Moore and Roby believe the turnout is due to people not being pleased with the direction the nation is heading.

“This is a great statement for Troy,” said Moore. “It is beautiful to see the great number of people that have come out on this cold evening, and I think it is representative of what’s happening in our state and nation. I think that the people of Troy have demonstrated tonight that they are concerned.”

Roby agreed with Moore’s sentiments.

“These folks are out here because they love the United States of America,” said Roby. “They love their state, they love their county and they love this city. They are here to show that they support these conservative principles that we stand for. Our freedom and liberty means a lot, and I am very grateful for the opportunity to represent Alabama’s second district.”

Moore also stated that he believed that the upcoming election is “the most important in our nation’s history.”

“We have a choice for two fundamentally different path’s for our country,” said Moore. “Most people haven’t studied those platforms, but they are entirely different. One stands for traditional families, the other wants to get rid of families. One stands for abortion and the other wants to get rid of it.”

Members of the Troy University chapter of the College Republicans were in attendance and Moore said that he feels that the young Republican vote would be crucial in next week’s election.

“I think the young Republicans are coming out,” said Moore. “We have a great group here, and they are the coming generation that is going to change the country. “