‘Fabulous Frank!’ coming to the Crosby Theater Tuesday

Published 11:00 pm Friday, October 26, 2012

The Troy Arts Council will present Peter Oprisko in the “Fabulous Frank!” at 7 p.m. Tuesday at the Claudia Crosby Theater.

Peter Oprisko will be performing in “Fabulous Frank!” At 7pm Tuesday at the Claudia Crosby Theater.

Tickets are $20 for adults and $5 for students and may be purchased at the door.

“Fabulous Frank!” is the definitive tribute to “The Chairman of the Board,” Frank Sinatra, said Dr. William Denison, TAC president.

“As the centennial of Frank Sinatra’s birth approaches, this performance by Peter Oprisko will be an exciting and memorable celebration showcase of the legendary singer,” Denison said. “When Frank Sinatra passed away in 1998, several major periodicals asked Peter Oprisko, who is a top Sinatra authority, to assist them with the publication of their special commemorative issues honoring Sinatra’s 50-year career.”

Denison said Oprisko has the world’s most extensive collection of Sinatra recordings.

“He hosted and produced ‘Exclusively Sinatra,” the popular nationally-syndicated radio program for 12 years,” Denison said. “He then began a successful singing career and has become the nation’s foremost vocalist of traditional pop, jazz and standards.”

In addition to his songwriting, recording and producing endeavors, Oprisko is in his sixth year as a pre-game entertainer for the Chicago White Sox.

Through Oprisko’s relationships with the Sinatra inner-circle, he is able to share the unheard stories behind many of Sinatra’s recordings.

Oprisko’s entertainingly educational interactive presentation and dynamic vocal style keep him from being just another Sinatra impersonator.

“Peter Oprisko has a magnetic stage presence that makes him popular on the college, corporate and casino circuits,” Denison said.

“He is ones of the nation’s premiere interpreters of traditional American pop and jazz and that qualifies him to present the legendary hits and stories of Frank Sinatra.”

Program selections from “Fabulous Frank!” will include

“Five Minutes More,” “The Lady is a Tramp,” “Come Fly with Me,” “Strangers in the Night,” “New York, New York,” “I’ll Never Smile Again” and “My Way.”