Peanut Butter Festival set for Saturday

Published 10:19 pm Thursday, October 25, 2012

The 21st Peanut Butter Festival in Brundidge on Saturday will have something for everyone. Whether it’s chasing greasy pigs, racing mice and worms or “cuttin’ a rug,” the Peanut Butter Festival is the place to be for those who want to celebrate the harvest season in a fun way.

The annual harvest and heritage celebration will get underway at 8 a.m. with the 5K Peanut Butter Run at Green’s Antiques and keep a steady pace throughout the day.

Lawrence Bowden, president of the sponsoring Brundidge Business Association, said there will be entertainment throughout the day and more than 100 arts and crafts vendors will crowd the Festival midway.

“We’ll have a variety of arts and crafts and the entertainment will be great,” Bowden said. “On the Peanut Butter Festival stage, there will be gospel, bluegrass and country music and square dancing, line dancing and clogging.

The Dill Pickers from Birmingham will be on the Church Street Tent stage on the back street from 11 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. and from 1:30 until 2:30 p.m.

All of the entertainment is free.

The Peanut Butter Recipe Contest will get underway at 9 a.m. at Brundidge Station. The only requirement is that each recipe contains at least a ½ cup of peanut butter and be on a disposable container. So, Bowden said, whip up a recipe and you just might take home a blue ribbon.

The Peanut Butter Festival features games and contests for all ages and demonstrations of old-time crafts.

“One event that is very special at the Peanut Butter Festival is the Dr. George Washington Carver presentation by Eddie Bailey at the Tupper Lightfoot Memorial Library,” Bowden said. “Dr. Carver was known as the ‘Father of the Peanut’ and the presentation tells the story of how he developed more than 300 uses for the peanut.”

The Carver presentations are in the original library building at 10 and 11 a.m. There is no admission charge.

The Peanut Butter Festival highlights peanut butter treats and they can be found at booths throughout the grounds.

The Brundidge Historical Society’s booth offers samples of peanut butter combinations that are a bit unusual including the folks’ choice, peanut butter and dill pickle sandwiches. The BHS also has fried peanut samples. Goober Cocktails and Peanut Butter Festival tee shirts are for-sale items.

The Nutter Butter Parade is a highlight of the day and gets underway at 1 p.m. Line-up is at the National Guard Armory and Veterans Blvd. (Piggly Wiggly road). Walking entries may hop in at BB&T on North Main Street.

“This is a nutty parade, so grab a weed eater or a pogo stick, find a place in line and join the fun of the Nutter Butter Parade,” Bowden said.

The Peanut Butter Festival is a “free for all” so y’all come to Brundidge where old times and good times meet!