How much do we value our freedom?

Published 11:00 pm Friday, September 28, 2012

I have been wondering if anyone but I has been worried about the future of our country, our family, our children, our parents and grandparents?

What is going to happen to our parents and grandparents if Medicare runs out?

What will happen to our children and grandchildren if we cannot afford to feed them or rose yet, our farmers are put out of business because of the astronomical costs and regulations it takes and will take to farm in the future?

How will we feel tomorrow if we cannot speak our minds without retribution?

How much more politically correct can this country get without giving up all our rights, which are given to us by God, not man, but instead are steadily being removed by the hands and pens of men?

Why do we believe everything in the news and news media, just like it is the gospel truth? Doesn’t anyone check and verify anymore?

This country and everyone in it should bind together, because surely a house divided cannot stand.

Think very long and hard before we cast our votes this year or before we know it, we will be sitting on our porches (if we still have them) trying to describe to our children and grandchildren how America used to be and what it used to be like living here – which we take for granted every day!

I am not much for watching movies. Certainly I am not much for recommending them. But I do recommend that everyone go see the movie “2016.” It should open your eyes and make you think (it did me). At the very lease your choices will be conscious ones and hopefully it will make everyone appreciate more of what we have and what we need to keep.

What does freedom really mean to you? Ask our men and women who have served and do currently serve our country. Ask those people which will be deployed and will not even have the opportunity to vote this year. Shame on us for not standing up for their right to vote.

Please remember free isn’t really free. Everything comes at a cost.

Thank you for printing my letter and to those of you taking the time to read my letter.

Lynn Wentworth
